MARKETSMART™ for Private Schools
Product Suite

Metric's MARKETSMART™ for Private Schools focuses products in three ways. Click to learn more:


Make Better Decisions | Grow Your School | Build Strong Foundations

Make Better Decisions


Measurement & Insights

Get the right information that your school needs to make better decisions. We utilize our expertise in leading school management software—including BlackBaud and School Admin—to integrate performance measurement and develop results-driven insights.

Competition Study

To fuel smarter decision making, we evaluate your competitors and develop strategies to strengthen your school’s position as the top choice for education in the marketplace.

Communication Study

We help you tell your story and optimize your impact by analyzing your school’s communication material, message positioning and identifying opportunities. Our guidance enables you to integrate all your marketing efforts and ensure consistent branding and messaging.

School Network Study

To expand your referrers, we evaluate and engage the strength of your collective network of trustees, past parents, current parents, alumni, and community.

Alumni Survey

We develop unbiased alumni surveys to provide meaningful insights that increase your school’s fundraising capabilities and strengthen alumni relationships for long-term success.

Secret Shopper

Through our unbiased secret shopper analysis, we assess how prospective families move through your school’s enrollment process to identify opportunities. We then work with your school ambassadors to engage families with confidence, so you can host more visitors and guide them towards enrollment.

Board Sphere of Influence Analysis

Expand your referral network and fundraising power by harnessing the influence of your school’s Board. We help identify and attract the critical skill sets required for your Board to champion your school in the wider marketplace.

Grow Your School

Marketing Campaign

Grow your school with the strength of our repeatable marketing process and high-end creative to build marketing campaigns that resonate with target families.

Digital Marketing Execution

Our team leverages their digital expertise and proven process to manage your school’s marketing campaigns across digital platforms. We boost growth by building data-driven solutions that optimize your connection with current and potential families.

Increase Enrollment Study

Using a data-driven approach, we discover best-fit families and forecast the most productive markets for your school—equipping you with the strategies needed to increase enrollment.

Donor Prospect Study

We make fundraising easy by examining your school’s network to identify and prioritize your most effective donors. Then we work with your school to develop strategies to strengthen donor relationships and increase fundraising capabilities.

Campaign Market Research

Our team applies our proven research methods to deliver the actionable recommendations your school needs to recruit and retain best-fit families.

Build Strong Foundations

Brand Development

Effective branding is the foundation of your school’s marketing success. Our brand experts partner with your school to cultivate a creative brand that resonates with target families and generates results.

Brand Strategy & Message Training

Boost referrals and attract best-fit families with our winning tools and brand strategies for schools. As a part of this process, we will train your staff at all levels to consistently communicate your value with current and prospective families.

Brand Image Audit Study

We evaluate your school's brand positioning and provide key insights to enhance your connection with current and potential families.

Brand Perception Study

We uncover the truth behind how your school is perceived in the marketplace. To increase retention and recruitment, we then develop strategic solutions to proactively navigate risk and boost positive perception.

Website Redesign

Ensure current and prospective families can easily find the information they need to make decisions by enhancing your school’s website. We develop dynamic and performance-driven websites that strengthen your online presence and inspire action.

Get In Touch

Contact us today to see how our data-driven approach can generate the results you’re looking for.