How We Helped Recycle Everywhere Refresh Their Marketing
The Canadian Beverage Container Recycling Association (CBCRA) is a non-profit recycling association committed to recovering 75% of the beverage containers sold in Manitoba. Their Recycle Everywhere program strives to educate Manitobans about beverage container recycling, ensuring accessibility regardless of where they work, live or play.
Recycle Everywhere partnered with Metric Marketing in 2017 to enhance their digital presence. While their website attracted a regular stream of new users every month, they lacked meaningful data to measure success and drive engagement. The purpose was to ensure desired user behaviours would be established, tracked and evaluated on an ongoing basis. This gave us a platform for informed decision-making based on Recycle Everywhere’s marketing efforts.
A Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) project was undertaken to evaluate the user experience and identify barriers toward conversion. Working within the existing design framework, we reimagined the site architecture and developed engaging copy with prominent calls to action. We not only revamped their web presence but created a more functional website to drive audience conversions.
By tracking which programs users were learning about and the types of content they were engaging with, our digital marketing team was able to successfully implement a complementary search campaign. Three months into the initiative, 88% of users coming to the site were new, compared to the previous year, with our branding ad group bringing in 659 clicks out of 1,558 impressions for a 42% conversion rate.
With analytics baselines set and an enhanced website ready to welcome visitors, we launched three different marketing campaigns that encouraged people to recycle at work, at home and on the go. Our first campaign targeted decisions makers in the manufacturing, office, and food and beverage industries. Through a series of digital ads launched in the winter of 2017, we were able to drive interested parties towards a Request a Bin page, where they were encouraged to add a beverage container recycling infrastructure to their operations. Creative content was optimized throughout the campaign period to showcase age, gender and industry-specific content towards specific ad sets and converted 82 businesses over a three month period.
In spring 2018, Recycle Everywhere delivered recycling bins to homes in underperforming areas within Manitoba. To encourage adoption, a complementary digital campaign targeting specific geographic communities was launched. This awareness campaign was designed to stay in front of audiences most likely to use the infrastructure, and ads were optimized to display more frequently against single-family homeowners. By A-B testing the messaging and ad variants throughout the campaign, we were able to display the ads sets most popular and likely to drive click-throughs in these regions. At the end of the campaign, creative ads displayed against specific geo-targeted areas saw an increase in recovery rates, impressions and conversions.

In the summer of 2018, Recycle Everywhere launched a bin bag program that encouraged participants to bring a Recycle Everywhere-branded, portable recycling bag with them while camping, spending time at the cottage or participating in summer activities where recycling access may be limited. Our goal was to get the ads in front of the right people at the right time and drive them towards a landing page where they could learn more about bag availability and the benefits of recycling on the go.
By monitoring interactions on our targeted ads, we were able to make informed decisions and optimize ads that generated the most click-throughs and resonated the most with our target audience. Our social ads brought in over 4,000 click-throughs to the landing page, with 82% of visitors taking action on the landing page in a little over one month.
Through our ongoing relationship with Recycle Everywhere, we continue to help the organization make metric-driven marketing decisions. While their broad-based awareness campaigns have been effective at increasing overall recycling rates in the province, our creative ads targeting specific audience segments are helping to measure and drive engagement levels throughout the customer journey.
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