Metric & RRC Polytech: Student Profile

Metric Culture

The Metric team loves to host student work placements - a side effect of doing what we love, and finding an audience of people who tolerate us talking about it all the time. Earlier this year, we welcomed a student from RRC Polytech’s Creative Communications program and Veronica stepped up as his mentor.

From Veronica (Metric Mentor):

Having Carter join us from CreComm was a great experience. He brought a fresh perspective and lots of great ideas to our creative work — including campaign concepts and copywriting — and was also able to help carry the load of some research and execution tasks, such as competitive scans, campaign optimization, build-out and proofing. But best of all was his attitude. Carter's work ethic, energy, and willingness to tackle whatever we threw his way made him a reliable teammate and a joy to work with.

On a personal level, it's always inspirational and affirming to work with someone who's both enthusiastic and eager to learn. And on a higher level, it reinforced (to me and to Metric) the value of RRC Polytech's CreComm program — in terms of both the skills they teach and the character traits they nurture.

I think all of this encapsulates what we want to see most in a work placement student. We don't expect your skills to be perfect — after all, anything can be taught and mastered with time. What matters most is a willingness to ask questions and put your best effort forward (whatever the task), and having both the confidence and courage to share your ideas, and the humility to accept feedback.

From Carter (RRC Student):

  • On what he's been up to since graduating (now working at another Winnipeg based agency): Every day is different for me, much like everyone said agency life would be. I've been working primarily in agriculture, and it's been quite interesting to learn so much about an industry in which I never would've had experience otherwise. When I'm at my desk, most of my time is spent either writing, editing, analyzing data or building campaigns. Each day balances those out differently. 

  • On how Metric helped him prepare for life after school: Previous to my internship at Metric, I hadn't really considered working at an agency. But after my three weeks there, I clearly changed my mind. Metric taught me a lot about research, writing, and how to be an efficient writer for digital campaigns. Most importantly, I think it taught me how to ask better questions. I also learned that I really enjoyed in-person work. The Wednesday where I met everyone in the office was my favourite day, and in-person/hybrid workplaces became something I looked for when applying. After two years of doing CreComm online, I think I was ready for a break from my own desk.

  • On any pointers he has for current/future CreComm students: Don't shy away from taking a work placement somewhere you aren't necessarily looking for a career. You may find something you really enjoy!

If you’re a student who is interested in securing a work placement at Metric - or if you’d like to join our team - please check out our Careers page and get in touch with our HR team.


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