B2B Campaigns

Touchpoints for business-to-business (B2B) campaigns include a different set of channels and conversion actions than for retail or B2C consumers. It’s important to understand the different types of conversions needed for this audience, which are smaller, micro conversions such as requesting a quote, requesting information or registering for an event. You have to imagine the smaller ask before the bigger one, because a potential customer will sign up for a promotional event before they’ll attend it. As a result, the right message at the right time for this audience has to be carefully planned to build confidence and a relationship. 

There's More Opportunity Than Ever

Touchpoints for business-to-business (B2B) campaigns include a different set of channels and conversion actions than for retail or B2C consumers. It’s important to understand the different types of conversions needed for this audience, which are smaller, micro conversions such as requesting a quote, requesting information or registering for an event. You have to imagine the smaller ask before the bigger one, because a potential customer will sign up for a promotional event before they’ll attend it. As a result, the right message at the right time for this audience has to be carefully planned to build confidence and a relationship.  

B2B campaigns also lean on sales people to get involved with what’s going out to clients. Because of the importance of building relationships, sales personnel are absolutely necessary at a certain point in the B2B campaign funnel, since building loyalty is key. One strong example is email marketing—whether it’s a newsletter, brief updates, event notices or a blog. Without the face of the salesperson the customer is getting to know and trust, the marketing content won’t reach or resonate with the right audience. 

The good news is that there’s more opportunity than ever, with more tactics available to get in front of target audiences. One example is LinkedIn, which is evolving as a marketing platform that can now target users by job title. This creates opportunities to rebuild targeting lists for specific channels to get the right message to a CEO, CFO or Director of Marketing.

The Metrics

Saskatchewan-based Zak’s Building Group ran lead-generation campaigns for a year for their Commercial, Agriculture and Homes & Cottages divisions that generated nearly 2,000 requests for information and drove 50,780 new users to their new website. Based on the successful number of leads from their omnichannel campaigns, the equivalent work generated from the campaign would pay for the entire Zak’s brand, website and campaign development, three times over. We also tracked online conversions for Saskatchewan-based Virtus Group, a B2B accounting firm, that contributed to 671 requests for information and a year-over-year increase in website traffic of 141%.

Zak's Building Group Brand

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