Digital Marketing

Growing Your School Through Data and Advertising

Missed our recent webinar with AISAP? Watch it here and learn more about optimizing your marketing with new industry benchmark data.

 Learn how to turn trending TikTok inspiration into content that can boost your school's online presence and engagement. Try out these five trends that are making a mark right now, and learn how to implement them effectively.

Marketing When Your Seats are Full

Just because your school is full, doesn’t mean you should stop your marketing efforts. Find out why – and what you can do to make the most of this next admissions season. 

Ready to enhance your school’s Instagram presence? Read our eight simple tips to optimize your profile and make a fantastic first impression.

Spring Clean Your Marketing

Spring is the perfect time to hit pause for just a moment and complete a few ‘spring cleaning’ tasks (or delegate them). Your future self will thank you for reading and following this list of 10 school marketing clean-up tasks.

Looking for school marketing inspiration? Metric is celebrating our recently honored work for STS - and the rest of the InspirED 2023 Brilliance Award winners!

Can SMS be the Game-Changer your Admissions Funnel Needs?

Navigating private or independent school admissions can feel like chasing a moving target. With families bombarded by choices and information, it’s tough for schools to capture their attention. Traditional methods like emails often go unopened, and direct mailers are lost in the shuffle. Schools need a more direct, engaging approach to connect with prospective families. Enter SMS.

10 Secrets of a High-Converting Landing Page

Creating or updating landing pages for this admissions season? Discover the 10 most useful tips to create a high-converting landing page that will drive conversions for your school and help you reach your marketing and admissions targets.

10 Digital Marketing Resolutions to Keep in 2024

We asked some of our Metric team members about the top marketing resolutions they’d recommend for 2024 to keep up with trends, learnings, and opportunities for your private or independent school.

What Are Your Competitors Tracking?

Ever wonder what your competitors are tracking? (Of course you do.) Take a peek behind the scenes to discover the top three KPIs other schools are tracking - and learn why it’s so important to have a unified plan to track your own marketing efforts.

5 Tips for Using Testimonials in Your School's Marketing Mix

Discover practical steps to gather and showcase testimonials, strengthening your school's reputation and drawing in prospective families with real, relatable success stories.

Want to do more to market your boarding program – but not sure where to start? We’ve got you covered. Level up your boarding program marketing strategy by asking yourself these six questions. 

Ready to dive into the world of data-driven marketing – but not sure where to start? Our recommendation is usually a measurement project. Here's an overview of what you need to know about a Metric-led measurement project, and why it's the ideal first step toward upping your marketing game.

Join the experts from Metric Marketing and the Enrollment Management Association as we dive into the latest news on Google Analytics’ change over to the new GA4 - and what it means for your private or independent school marketing team.

Metric Marketing is excited to announce our new partnership with Enquiry Tracker – a leader in the education industry and a great option for private and independent schools looking to manage their admissions funnel more effectively, stay organized and nurture leads.