Digital Marketing

10 Questions to Ask when Choosing an Email Marketing Platform

Email marketing is one of the most valuable—and personal—ways private and independent schools can market themselves to inquiring families, but many aren’t taking advantage of available tools to enhance their marketing efforts. We’ve compiled a list of 10 questions you should ask before taking the leap into leveling-up your email marketing game.

The Data Everyone Should Care About

Marketing matters to everyone, and so does the data that can be extracted by relevant digital marketing operations. 

5 Trends to Try on TikTok This Month

Last week, Metric welcomed our creative director Lindsay’s daughter to the office for Take Our Kids To Work Day. While she was here, we took advantage of her Gen Z brain - and social media skills - to come up with this list of trends private and independent schools can leverage on TikTok to market your school this month to a key demographic of middle school and high school students.

Get an A+ in Google Marketing

What your school marketing team needs to know about the new GA4 

Lessons from the Pandemic

Here are four lessons private school marketers have learned - that are here to stay.

How to Choose the Right Digital Marketing Mix

Whether you’re building a digital marketing strategy from scratch or trying to optimize what you’re already doing, it can be difficult to make decisions about where to invest. 

In our industry study with NAIS conducted last year, we heard a lot of questions about this - so we thought we’d take some time to answer some of the most common ones here! 

Building a Strong Digital Marketing Foundation

How to set your private or independent school marketing team up for digital marketing success.

Turn Your Head of School Into a Marketing Champion

Learn how private & independent school marketers can use data to turn their Heads of School into marketing advocates.

Learn how we helped IJL plan a perfect proposal at Winnipeg's iconic Confusion Corner. 

How are Marketing Teams Structured in Other Schools?

Learn about how independent school marketing teams are structured, the functions they provide, and best practices to streamline & strengthen your approach.

Metric + Banking on Digital Growth Podcast

Metric’s Kevin MacNeil joins the Banking on Digital Growth podcast to discuss how the right data can turn your marketing from a cost centre to a revenue driver.

Marketing to Gen Z

EdwardsCo is a branding, marketing and communications company with over 40 years of experience working with private schools in the United States. We're proud to partner with them to provide leading-edge branding products that reflect your school’s values and resonate with target audiences. 

Here's one of their most popular blog posts, full of actionable insights for your school's marketing team.
Social Media For Schools: Choosing The Right Mix

In this article, we explore seven popular social media channels, and show you how to pick and prioritize the right mix for your school.

Social Media Strategy for Schools

Social media can be a valuable asset for marketing and admissions to promote your private or independent school. A blog post by Metric Marketing.

4 Ways to Improve Your Website’s Conversion Rate

Using better marketing and effective digital ad campaigns to increase traffic to your website is a great first step… but will you be able to capitalize on the opportunity and turn visitors into leads? In this post, we take a dive into understanding Conversion Rate Optimization - or CRO - and putting it to work for you.