Digital Marketing

Why your website needs to be mobile-friendly

In an effort to make it easier for users to find relevant, high quality search engine results that are optimized for their device, Google recently announced a change in their mobile search algorithm that will include ‘mobile-friendliness’ as a ranking signal. This change means that if your website isn’t optimized to be viewed on a mobile ...


Why did we create this guide?

Marketing planning is crucial for marketing success, and now an even more important activity in the new era of marketing. With all of the different channels and technology options available today, marketing can get complex and confusing. Traditional advertising, online marketing, customer experience, ...

Reporting from Pubcon PPC + SEO

Day 3

Three days of energized and informative speakers, catching up with old friends and meeting new ones, and #ppcchats over breakfast, Pubcon 2014 was a great experience for our Online Marketing Manager Cheryl. This was the conventions 15th anniversary and Cheryl is thrilled to pass on her notes from some industry heavy weights.

Here are her ...
Reporting from Pubcon 2014


Passionate marketers migrated to Las Vegas this week for Pubcon,  the premier social media and optimization conference.

Our Senior Online Marketing Consultant, Cheryl Hill, is in attendance and reporting on all the PPC + SEO knowledge. The conference continues today, but here are some of Cheryl's takeaways so far...

In-House SEO Training ...


Daily Checklist

Distraction is the nature of social media. Getting lost in the endless stream of information happens to the best of us. You login with the best intentions to update your company's daily piece of content (as stated in your marketing strategy) and get out, but somehow... an hour has passed and you're climbing out of a rabbit hole of articles, ...

Metric @ MozCon 2014

Last week, I had the pleasure of attending Mozcon 2014, a marketing conference held each year by MOZ.

With 29 speakers, MozCon was three days jam packed with inspiration. It was an awesome show this year with a ton of actionable takeaways for our team here at Metric.

If you’re not familiar with Moz (formerly SEOmoz), they’re a marketing ...

It's days away from July 1st, 2014 - do you know who your consenting subscribers are? If you're a Mailchimp or Constant Contact user, here's the quick process for gaining express consent (getting your subscribers to physically opt-in again) before July 1st, 2014:

For Mailchimp Users: Step 1: Create an express consent group in your list. 

This ...

Instagram for Brands

Instagram, the photo and video sharing mobile app with over 150 million users, is the fastest growing social network since its launch in October 2010. Instagram also boasts the highest levels of social engagement among users, who upload on average 55 million photos every day.

According to a recently released L2 Intelligence report, Instagram ...

Canada's New Anti-Spam Law (CASL) for Email Marketers

On July 1st, Canada's new Anti-Spam Law (CASL) will take effect over the course of the next several months. This legislation has implications for anyone sending or intending to send commercial email, SMS, or other electronic marketing. Sound like you? Read on...

What is it?

Bill C-28, properly known as Canada's Anti-Spam Law (CASL) is an ...

ClickZLive NY

Days 2 + 3

Our Senior Online Marketing Consultant Cheryl shares the latest online marketing lessons from ClickZLive New York, a Global conference series designed by digital marketers for digital marketers.

Her favourite takeaways from days 2 + 3:

Adwords + umbrellas (or shovels in Winnipeg) and Buzzwords.

Clickz Live Workshops… The Learning is Happening


Although not a shopping/pub crawl day in Soho, still a very enjoyable day! Here are the blaringly obvious things I will be on the soapbox for…

Retargeting for brand awareness, conversion, and upselling! Attribution modelling. The last click didn’t do it alone. Don’t make uneducated decisions with your valuable marketing ...

Like many other SEMs descending on New York this week for the ClickZ Live Search Conference, I am anticipating walking away with an arsenal of fresh ideas and new tactics I can dazzle my clients and team with. Look out ROI, I’m coming after you!

So, here’s what I’m looking forward to:

Old Friends Teaching New Tactics

It’s been 11 years ...

5 Questions to Ask Before Running a Social Contest

Social contests can be a great way to connect your business with new potential customers by giving away a prize to followers and supporters of your brand on social media. Your contest should be treated like a marketing campaign, and before creating your campaign for the social web, Metric marketing lead Meghan Tooley recommends asking ...

Big Picture Marketing: Building your Online Community

By now, we are all well aware that having an online presence is no longer an option for companies that want to stay competitive in the increasingly fast-paced world of marketing. The people (aka. your customers) are online, which means that your company needs to be online too. That being said, simply existing online isn’t enough ...