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Independent schools in North America are fiercely competitive. With more than 34,000 schools in the United States and 2,000 in Canada, staying ahead of the competition requires a unique approach to marketing.

Because of the importance and high price of independent education, parents and older students will often spend months researching the subject. This elongates the customer journey, giving private schools an opportunity to develop a more diverse digital marketing strategy.

At a glance:

  • Pay more attention to the middle of the customer journey: Enjoy lower expenses, fewer competitors
  • Streamline your approach: Get the right data and insights from marketing campaign results
  • Employ omnichannel marketing: Take full advantage of all available channels to maximize your reach

Let's take a closer look at some key fundamentals that can help you build a successful independent school marketing strategy.

Any way you look at it, 2020/21 is going to be a different year for private school recruitment. Remote learning like we’ve seen this year represents a sea of change in the delivery of education. But with students and parents at home on their computers, it also represents an opportunity for private schools to recruit more strategically. Here’s how.


  • Measurement & analytics: Get the right answers with the right data
  • Gather data: Integrate analytics with school management software
  • Build an agile campaign: Address what parents care about

Learn how your credit union can connect with members online through meaningful digital marketing that’s relevant to what they’re looking for.

The role of emotion, psychology and brand in digital marketing for credit unions


    • What online banking looks like for credit union members
    • Building loyalty and trust online
    • Inspiring members to engage and respond
    • What a strong credit union brand can achieve

          Learn how to reach banking customers or credit union members online by staying ahead of them with digital ads as they search for mortgages & more.

          AT A GLANCE:

          • How many people are online?
          • What does reaching a banking customer with a digital ad look like?
          • What’s aggregate data and why is it important?
          • Building an ecosystem for digital marketing

          Learn how to tap the power of data to optimize your school’s marketing strategy, so those already looking for your school can find you easily online.

          If “data,” “optimize” and “strategy” sound like buzzwords, don’t be discouraged. They show up in marketing conversations for a good reason. Let’s discuss what they mean.

          AT A GLANCE:

          • What kind of data are we talking about?
          • Optimizing your KPIs, CTAs and ROI
          • Strategy is what you do with your data and insights

          Millennials are the world’s leading generation. Every year, 82 per cent of babies are born to millennial parents. Find out how to market your independent school to this powerful—and unprecedented—generation.

          AT A GLANCE:

          • Overview of who millennial parents are
          • Millennial parents' habits and catering to them
          • Overview of steps to successfully market your independent school to millennial parents
          Weathering The Storm

          With the rapid spread of COVID-19, many business owners are feeling the stress of economic uncertainty. In this article, we examine smart marketing strategies that can help you weather the storm and emerge stronger than before.

          Learn what millennials, including Gen Y and Gen Z, care about so your bank or credit union can reach them on their terms with marketing they’ll care about.

          AT A GLANCE:

          • Understanding Gen Y and Gen Z
          • What makes everyone born since the 1980s unique?
          • Simplicity and financial wellness 
          • Access to finances and balances
          Presenting Your School Consistently Online

          Learn how to increase the visibility of your school online through improved search, content, digital and bandwidth opportunities on your school’s website.

          AT A GLANCE:

            • Five common pitfalls of school websites today include inconsistent information, unhelpful Search Engine Results Page (SERP) titles and descriptions, no access to analytics or tracking on your site, losing track of people interested in your school, and a website that’s slow to load.
            • You can improve your website’s performance by ensuring your school info is clear and consistent, writing enticing SERP titles and descriptions, enabling Google Analytics (GA) and Google Tag Manager (GTM) on your website, keeping track of your leads and learning how to increase the loading speed of your site.

              Learn how to reach banking customers or credit union members online by staying ahead of them with digital ads as they search for mortgages & more.

              AT A GLANCE:

              • How many people are online?
              • What does reaching a banking customer with a digital ad look like?
              • What’s aggregate data and why is it important?

              Google's Marketing Live 2019 conference just wrapped up.

              Meghan Tooley, Digital Director for Metric runs through the newest products and features announced at this year's conference below. Needless to say, we’re excited to start implementing these for our clients.

              Discovery Ads

              These ads are designed to get in front of people who are not ...

              Metric encourages measurement in every initiative, be it a campaign, online content, or even support interactions with clients. The notion of what constitutes success, for our efforts and our marketing expenditures, is very important to us. We also live this philosophy internally in many ways. One of my roles as Office Manager is to measure and ...

              Analyzing Conversion Paths with Google Attribution

              Earlier this month Google announced that the beta of their new analytics suite product, Google Attribution is being opened up to more advertisers following positive early results since its launch back in April.

              The newest addition to the G-Suite boasts some exciting new features - TV Attribution pairs ad spot data from broadcasters with ...

              Speaker Series: Branded Loyalty

              Kevin MacNeil, Metric Marketing’s VP Accounts, is at the Canadian Manufacturers and Exporters Dare to Compete event discussing brand and how to market to an increasingly connected world.

              There’s been a fundamental shift in the marketing landscape over the past decade. Customers are learning about products and services in an entirely ...


              Why did we create this guide?

              This guide was created to educate marketers on ways to use analytics to both accurately measure and optimize the performance of web properties and digital marketing initiatives. The intent of this guide is to provide readers with a strong understanding of the benefits of a refined measurement plan ...


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